Misunderstanding Competition

Over at the thoroughly intelligence-free City Journal, David Gratzer and Paul Howard have an article bashing health insurance mandates (and, by implication, Hillary), while talking up "more competition" as the solution for health care:
Rather than handing out more government subsidies, we should inject more competition into markets by allowing people to buy health-insurance policies across state lines. This would give the uninsured a broader menu of affordable options and allow companies to market national plans.
Repeat after me: Forcing private health insurers to compete with a government-run single-payer option increases the level of competition. If private health insurance is truly better than a government-run single-payer option, then you should have nothing to worry about. No one will buy into the government-run option, the private health insurance market will prevail, and you can congratulate yourselves with a big round of "I told you so."

When you actively try to block the government from extending a single-payer option to everyone (that is, everyone who isn't eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, etc.), that's called "anti-competitive behavior." Before you push for "more competition" instead of "socialized medicine," it would help if you understand the concept of competition.

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