Today, I sincerely and passionately honor our veterans.
So many have endured unimaginable hardship, trauma or injury. Some have paid the ultimate price to defend our country.
Veterans are Against the Iraq War
You might assume veterans of the Iraq war support the war.
Overwhelmingly, that is false.
Talk to some of the veterans. By and large, they think that the invasion of Iraq, or at least our continued occupation, is wrong.
They have seen first-hand the killing and maiming of innocent Iraqi civillians.
They have heard the cries of those falsely accused, who were shipped off to Abu Ghraib.
They have woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, reliving the nightmares they experienced.
They know that the chicken-hawk civilians who started the war and their yes-men in the military leadership are wrong, that the war should be stopped, and the troops brought home.
Renewing My Commitment
That's why on Veterans' day, I am honoring the brave men and women who served in the military by renewing my commitment to end the Iraq war.
The Iraq war might have been forgotten by the mainstream media, but I will not forget the troops and veterans. I will fight to end the war . . . for them.