Academic Freedom and Private Donors

Recently Florida State University has come under attack for accepting a donation from the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation for new faculty hires.  The St. Petersburg Times reports that this is problematic because the Koch foundation will have some input into who is hired and this raises questions of academic freedom.  Maybe I am naive and do not fully understand my rights related to academic freedom, but if FSU and Koch can agree on a candidate and that faculty member teaches in their area of expertise how is this a violation of academic freedom?  However, just to be sure I recently reviewed the AAUP's statement on academic freedom and do not see any violations.

Perhaps I do not see an issue because I have been privy to responses from a variety of academics providing details of the FSU agreement that were not in the article.  For instance Randy Holcombe, an FSU economics professor responded to the St. Petersburg Times article.

Holcombe writes "Here are some facts about our accepting this money.  We recognized at the outset that we didn’t want an outside organization telling us who we could hire, and agreed we would only take the money if the Foundation agreed to support candidates we wanted to hire.  If there were no mutually acceptable candidates, we would not take the money."

Others have responded as well Robert Lawson an FSU Ph.D. provides some additional background.  Others such as Scott Beaulier have merely defended themselves from personal attacks by "journalists". Philosopher James Taylor examines the arguments point by point to determine if there is a violation of academic freedom.
Donor accountability does not seem unreasonable to me.  I have seen donors provide funds to universities with no oversight only for those funds to be used in ways that the donor would have never intended.

Full disclosure: the Charles G. Koch Foundation provides the
Initiative for Public Choice & Market Process a small grant that is used for a variety of student activities.  I approached the Koch Foundation three years ago and in that time no one from the Koch foundation has ever suggested a speaker, a book, or a research topic to me. Apart from requiring an annual report on how I used the grant, the Foundation left me entirely to my own devices.

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