I am constantly amazed at how we can fail to see things which are right under our nose.
For example, former Congressman Dan Hamburg's excellent essay entitled "State of Emergency: The US in the Final Six Months of the George W. Bush Administration" got a lot of interest in the alternative press last Friday.
In that essay, Mr. Hamburg wrote:
We believe that this administration is so zealous, so determined to hold onto power, that they may well stage a “false flag” attack, creating just the kind of “catastrophic emergency” to which NSPD-51 refers.(NSPD-51 is a Continuity of Government document; if you don't know what a "false flag" is, read this).
So we the alternative media publish a story warning about a possible false flag attack so as to create a state of emergency which will allow the overt declaration of martial law.
But we ridicule any suggestion that 9/11 was itself a false flag attack, which allowed the passage of the Patriot Act and the "soft" form of fascism which already exists in America?
Do we know that Congressman Hamburg has long questioned the government's version of 9/11? Do we know that he is a member of the group Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice (and before that, Scholars for 9/11 Truth)?
Do we remember that other Congress people question the government's version of 9/11?
Do we notice that Congressman Kucinich's articles of impeachment against Bush and Cheney include facts proving that they allowed the attacks to occurred, and then covered up what happened?
Do we listen when thousands of high-level military officials, intelligence officers, former prosecutors, scientists, structural and mechanical engineers, architects and other credible people -- even the 9/11 Commissioners themselves -- question the government's version of 9/11?
Do we understand that this is not a partisan issue for the left or the right?
How can we, the publishers, editors and writers in the alternative media, acknowledge the danger of a false flag attack but not even see what is right under our nose . . . the multiple lines of evidence pointing to the conclusion that 9/11 was the biggest false flag attack of all time?