Beyond "Right-Wing" and "Left-Wing"


The murder of liberal unitarian churchgoers by a right-wing nut is truly horrible. The killer - Jim Adkisson - apparently was influenced by such right-wing talking heads as Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity.

But let's put this in perspective . . .

Moreover, Savage, O'Reilly and Hannity are not true conservatives. They are stooges for the neocons and other criminals running our government. True conservatives like Ron Paul oppose the fascist and militant stands of the neocons and their media lapdogs.

Instead of cheering the destruction of the Constitution and the rule of law like Savage, O'Reilly and Hannity do, true conservatives like Ron Paul are working with liberals in order to save our constitution (just like many true conservatives endorse Dennis Kucinich's battle to impeach Bush and Cheney).

I'm frankly sick of all this right-wing versus left-wing talk. The labels "right-wing" and "left-wing" are largely outdated. Neoconservatives are not conservative, and neoliberals are not liberal. Some of the biggest war hawks call themselves "liberal", and some of the biggest hypocrites and liars call themselves "conservative".

Frankly, I don't care what you call yourself. America is in real trouble, and the hour is much too late to focus on peripheral issues. The only thing I care about is whether you are working for liberty, justice, truth, peace and sustainable prosperity or against them.

Even if you hate the people on the other side of the political divide, can't you put off that debate for a little while? You can't even play the game if you don't have a playing field to play on.

The people who are turning the world against America, weakening our national defenses, bankrupting our country, and trampling on our liberties are not "right-wing" or "left-wing", but simply unAmerican.

Until the rule of law and a stable economy are restored to America, why don't we focus our passion on getting the traitors and economy-wreckers out of power and into jail, where they belong. Let's unite - at least for now - to protect America itself.

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