Government Tries to Bury Anthrax Story


The government is trying to bury the 2001 anthrax attack scandal (the anthrax came from a U.S. military base) by claiming that one of the key suspects - Bruce E. Ivins - was a "lone nut" who committed suicide. The government claims that the anthrax letters were an innocent mistake which was "part of an Army scientist's warped plan to test his cure for the deadly toxin". Case closed.

There are just a couple of loose ends:

  • "The attacks were not entirely unexpected", according to a journalist, who was urged soon after 9/11 to take Cipro by a high-level government official (confirmation that government employees started taking Cipro before the Anthrax attacks here). As Michael Fury put it, "So even if Ivins was involved, how would 'a high government official' know that a rogue bioweapons scientist was going to 'go postal' with anthrax if that 'high government official' was not himself involved?" (and see this comment by Atrios)
  • If Ivins was trying to "test his cure for the deadly toxin", why did he only send anthrax to the members of Congress most likely to say no to the Patriot Act and to people within the media? (I guess the Unabomber's lawyer should have argued that his client sent bombs to certain specific people involved in the technology field because he was testing defenses to bombs). And why didn't Ivins send his "cure" to the targets before he mailed the anthrax? How could that be a "test [of] "his cure"?
  • Why did the U.S. government - including, apparently, the people responsible for sending the anthrax letters - falsely claim (and read this) that the materials in the anthrax proved that it was manufactured in Iraq? Would a disgruntled "lone nut" be motivated to concoct a false justification for invading Iraq?
But its only crackpots who think that these loose ends point towards anything sinister, right? Well, the bioweapons expert who actually drafted the current bioweapons law (the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989), says he is convinced that the anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated and covered up by criminal elements of the U.S. government. The motive: to foment a police state by killing off and intimidating opposition to post-9/11 legislation such as the USA PATRIOT Act and the later Military Commissions Act.

Is he right?

Maybe, but he clearly forgot one motive: to justify war against Iraq.

Note: Even if Ivins was the killer, and even if he did act alone, it was still a false flag attack. Why?

Because Ivins was solidly in the Judeo-Christian, not Muslim, camp, and yet the anthrax letters were made to frame Muslims for the attack. For example, Ivins was a parishioner and musician at St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church. And he wrote:
"By blood and faith, Jews are God's chosen"
One thing is clear: he wasn't a Muslim.

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